Saturday, June 10, 2017

interview with Dani Rodrik: What’s Wrong With Our System Of Global Trade And Finance? [feedly]

What's Wrong With Our System Of Global Trade And Finance?

Dani Rodrik interview with TPM

I first learned of Dani Rodrik in 1997 when I came across his pamphlet, Has Globalization Gone Too Far?. That pamphlet created a sensation in a Washington awash with "new economy" optimism. It was an opening salvo against what Rodrik has come to call "hyper-globalization." Since then, the fissures that Rodrik saw in the global system have become crevasses. Rodrik has continually updated his own critique. His most comprehensive statement was in his 2011 book, The Globalization Paradox.

Rodrik was born in Istanbul in 1957, part of Turkey's small Sephardic Jewish community. He came to the United States to attend college at Harvard and subsequently got a PhD. in economics at Princeton. He has taught political economy at Harvard's Kennedy School for most of the last 32 years. Besides writing books and articles, he also has a blog, where he comments regularly on American, European, and Turkish politics. He is a noted critic of Recip Tayyip Erdogan's administration.

As globalization has come under attack from the left and right, I wanted to ask Rodrik what he thought about the jeremiads from the Trump administration and how he assessed the problems of global capitalism in the wake of the Great Recession.

Real Grievances And Fake Solutions

Judis: During his campaign and presidency, Donald Trump has made a big issue of America's trade deficit, and singled out China, Mexico, and Germany for blame. When Trump was in Europe recently, he attacked the Germans for having a trade surplus. He even threatened to block German car exports to the United States. Is there any basis for Trump's complaints?

Rodrik: Like most everything with Trump, I think there is a significant element of truth in the causes that he picks up. He is addressing some real grievances. But then the manner in which he addresses them is completely bonkers. So in the case of Germany, I do think Germany is the world's greatest mercantilist power right now. It used to be China. China's surplus has gone down in recent years, but Germany's trade surplus is almost 9 percent of GDP. And they are essentially exporting deflation and unemployment to the rest of the world.

I think the damage, though, is done to the rest of Europe and not the United States. In addition, it is not a trade problem. It is a macro-economic problem. The solution is to get German consumers to spend more and save less and the German state to spend more and to increase German wages. It is not the trade policies of the US or any other country that is going to be able to address this issue. It is similar to the way Trump has picked up grievances about how trade agreements have operated in the United States. These agreements have created loses, and grievances that have not been addressed, and I think there is a lot of truth to those kind of things, but I don't think he has any realistic way of dealing with those things.

Judis: So you do think our trade deficit is a problem?

Rodrik: Yes, but I don't put it on the top of our concerns. There have been times when it is a bigger issue. The U.S. could use more aggregate demand and one of the places it could come from is smaller trade deficit. But you could get the same result more effectively through a more aggressive fiscal stance on the part of the federal government and the states, particularly through expenditure on infrastructure. I do think the low labor force participation is something we should try to bump up and I think there is a place for increasing demand. A lower trade deficit might contribute a little bit to raising it, but I don't think it's where the major action is.

Judis: Do you think there is a point in trying to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

Rodrik: The damage of NAFTA has already been done. Many communities affected by NAFTA have already experienced sizable losses, but there is no way you are going to bring back the jobs that have been lost. Those are water under the bridge. So we shouldn't fool ourselves that we can reverse the consequences of NAFTA.

If we are going to be renegotiating NAFTA, we might be able to put a symbolic stamp on a new type of trade agreement, but there is absolutely no sign that the current administration is approaching it that way. I would have let NAFTA be NAFTA. I would have put TPP on hold, and I would have articulated a new approach to trade agreements before starting on new agreements. There is a complete disconnect between what Trump said he wanted to do on trade agreements and what seems to be happening.

Rebalancing Trade Agreements

Judis: Where do you see the disconnect?

Rodrik: I don't think Trump's proposed remedies for the issues that he picked up from the angst, the anxiety created by jobs losses have any chance of working. I also thought from the outset his bite would be much less than his bark. That when push came to shove, he would not do some of the radical things that he said would do, like building a wall or putting 35 percent tariffs across the board on imports from China. I am glad he is not doing these things, and I think the optics at some point will look more and more awkward and at that point his base will start to wonder what is really happening with his promises.

Judis: And what should a president concerned about trade do? What are new types of trade agreement that are worth pursuing?

Rodrik: There is a kind of rebalancing we need to do in the world economy. I would put it under three major headings. One is moving from benefiting capital to benefiting labor. I think our current system disproportionately benefits capital and our mobile professional class, and labor disproportionately has to bear the cost. And there are all sets of implications as to who sits at the bargaining table when treaties are negotiated and signed, who bears the risk of financial crises, who has to bear tax increases, and who gets subsidies. There are all kinds of distributional costs that are created because of this bias toward capital. We can talk about what that means in specific terms.

The second area of rebalancing is from an excessive focus on global governance to a focus on national governance. Our intellectual and policy elites believe that our global problems originate for a lack of global agreements and that we need more global agreements. But most of our economic problems originate from the problems in local and national governance. If national economies were run properly, they could generate full employment, they could generate satisfactory social bargains and good distributive outcomes; and they could generate an open and healthy world economy as well.

This is an important issue with the cosmopolitan and progressive left because we tend to be embarrassed when we talk about the national interest. I think we should understand that the national interest is actually complementary to the global interest, and that the problem now is not that we are insufficiently globally minded, but that we are insufficiently inclined to pursue the national interest in any broad, inclusive sense. It might seem a little bit paradoxical but it's a fact.

The third area for rebalancing is that in negotiating trade agreements, we should focus on areas that have first order economic benefits rather than second or third order. When tariffs are already very small, you do not generate a lot of economic benefits by bringing them down further. When you restrict governments' ability to regulate capital flows and patent/copyright rules, or when you create special legal regimes for investors, you do not necessarily improve the functioning of our economies. In all these areas, global agreements generate large distributional effects — large gains for exporters, banks or investors, but also large losses to rest of society – and small net benefits, if any at all. In other words, past agreements addressing trade and financial globalization have already eked out most of the big efficiency gains. Pushing trade and financial globalization further produces tiny, if not negative, net gains.

One major unexplored area of globalization where barriers are still very large is labor mobility. Expanding worker mobility across borders, in a negotiated, managed manner, would produce a large increase in the size of the economic pie. In fact, there is no other single global reform that would produce larger overall economic benefits than having more workers from poorer nations come and work, for a temporary period, in rich country markets. Of course, this too would have some redistributive effects, and would likely hurt some unskilled native workers in the rich nations. But the redistribution you'd get in this area per dollar of efficiency gain you'd generate is small – much smaller than with trade liberalization, greater capital mobility, or any other area of the world economy. This may seem paradoxical, but it is an economic fact. This is a major reorientation in our global negotiation agenda we need to think about.

Skepticism About Global Governance

Judis: Let me go through these three kinds of rebalancing more specifically. Let's talk first about the movement toward global governance. In The Globalization Paradox, you express skepticism about global government and hyper-globalization, and you advocate a movement backward toward a new Bretton Woods, the monetary agreement that the World War II allies signed in 1944 and that governed global capitalism for three decades. Bretton Woods allowed nations a great deal more latitude in stimulating their economies and control capital flows. Explain that more clearly.

Rodrik: My starting point is the view if you have well functioning markets, you need to embed them in institutions of governance. Markets aren't just created on their own. You need to stabilize markets and legitimatize markets, and the wonderful thing about capitalism over its long history is that we have learned how to do that for national markets. We have national political systems that provide stabilization, regulation, and legitimation.

Now what happens when your markets are global? Who is going to provide those supporting institutions? You can't really have fully integrated international markets without all fully integrated political systems. You can't have an imbalance between the scope of markets and scope of political accountability and political institutions. But we end up relying on global agreements and global commissions that essentially become technocratic arrangements with no political or social content to them.

Nationally we have democratic institutions for deciding who benefits from markets and how resources and income are to be distributed. Internationally, all we have are tool shops and arrangements whereby trade lawyers and technocrats decide on a global agenda without any of the legitimacy or authority that you have at the national level. When you look at it from that perspective, I am not surprised at the backlash against the international arrangements that were created in the 1990s and that have led the push to globalization.

Wrong Turns In The 1990s

Judis: Are you saying that in the '90s, the United States should have been much more wary and cautious when it helped to found the main international trade group, the World Trade Organization (WTO), in 1995?

Rodrik: A lot of wrong turns were taken in the 1990s. The WTO had some good things in it, but as a trade regime, it exemplifies global overreach. It tries to fix global standards for intellectual property rights, industrial policies, and various health and safety regulations. As a result, it reached into areas that are more properly a national responsibility and where the argument for global harmonization is quite weak. It was bad economics that resulted in a loss of legitimacy for the global trade regime.

Another wrong turn came in what the United States didn't do when it opened its economy with NAFTA, the WTO, and then the entry of China into the WTO. At some point, the United States could have done what Europe did in an earlier stage in this history when Europe became an open economy. That is to erect very generous social insurance and safety nets. The kind of insecurities and anxiety that openness to trade creates can be compensated or neutralized by having extensive social policies, and that's what Europe managed to do.

Europe is much more open to trade in the United States. Yet to this day, trade remains uncontroversial in Europe. When you look at populism in Europe, it's not about trade at all. It is about other things, it is about immigrants going to reduce the welfare state.

Judis: But aren't populists in southern Europe and France up in arms about Germany and its trade balance?

RodrikIt's about macro finance, it's about the role of Brussels, it is not about putting trade restrictions on China and Mexico. In Britain, the Brexiteers wanted to leave Europe in part so that they could pursue free trade policies unencumbered by Brussels. The issue of trade and import competition was largely neutralized as a political issue in Europe by the tradeoff of a generous welfare state. When the United States became an open economy in the '80s and '90s, it largely went the other way. We didn't try to erect a stronger safety net. If anything, the safety net was allowed to erode. That I think was a major wrong turn and we are paying the price for that now.

Judis: If you look back at the 1996 election, and Bill Clinton's speeches, when he said change is our friend, he was saying what you're saying. He was talking about a more generous welfare state, mainly in terms of education and health care. And in his second term, before the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, and Republicans began impeaching him, he wanted to expand Medicare, and other programs,

Rodrik: You're right, there was a fork in the road. I do remember that. I remember my stuff getting cited at that time [Has Globalization Gone Too Far? came out in March 1997], but in fact there wasn't much action. There was a general problem even with the center-left. You heard let's liberalize finance and let's do trade agreements and don't worry then we'll have compensation and the education and the transfers. In the end, we got a lot of the first and very little of the second, and that's how I think the center lost its credibility.

The Problem With Global Finance

Judis: There is another aspect to your analysis. You are not saying simply that we can have these open economies if we also have generous welfare states. You are also saying in The Globalization Paradox that there is a problem with the model of the open economy. You talk about the need for capital controls and for countries to undertake industrial policies without violating the WTO. You are saying there is something wrong with a completely open global economy.

Rodrik: I think that's right. I think what we should have is a moderate degree of openness. I don't think anybody wants to cut their country off from international trade and finance and international ideas and technology, but what we have learned is that the successful relationships between a country and the world economy are always managed. They are not just a matter of removing barriers by a stroke of the pen, believing that good things will follow.

If the trade agreements were about free trade, they would be one sentence long. They are thousands of pages, because they consist of a new set of regulations. And the question then becomes what are these regulations for, whose interests are they advancing.

No country has a completely free trade policy. There is always some management of trade. We don't let goods come in that don't satisfy our health and safety standards, that go beyond our regulatory standards, so we always have these controls. It's never about free trade vs. protection. It's always about where we should and shouldn't regulate.

And the same is true about capital markets, and financial globalization. I think we have too easily internalized the norm that financial capital should be free to move without any restriction. There is no justification in economic theory for the idea that free capital mobility is optimal. These are things we know we need to approach pragmatically. There are real decisions that need to be made.

Judis: Let's talk about capital controls and this idea of global finance. What are capital controls, and what has been the effect of eliminating them?

Rodrik: In the Bretton Woods regime, nations put restrictions on the flow of capital both inwards and outwards, so that domestic firms and banks could not borrow from banks elsewhere or from international capital markets. They would ask for permission or they would not be permitted. Domestic corporations or banks could not put their money in other countries. They couldn't simply take the money out.

What that meant was that domestic financial markets would be segmented from international or financial markets elsewhere. That gave you the ability to run your own macroeconomic policy without being truly encumbered by monetary or fiscal policies elsewhere. It also meant that you could have your own tax policies, your own industrial policies without having to worry that capital and international capital would leave. It meant you didn't have to constantly look over your shoulder and try to seek market confidence for every policy. You didn't have to worry that if you didn't have market confidence, capital would flee.

Judis: Were there currency speculators then as there are now that drive the price of a currency suddenly up or down?

Rodrik: There were restrictions on domestic residents trading on foreign currencies. You couldn't buy and sell foreign currencies without going through your own central bank and you were restricted how much foreign currency you could buy. I think a lot of these restrictions in the 1950s and 1960s may have been excessive, but I think we went from the norm being that every country would have capital controls to run sound economic policies, which was a consensus view among the economists, to the 1990s where the consensus view became that every country should have free capital mobility, and if they didn't have now, they should move to it.

Judis: So what has been the effect of having free capital mobility?

Rodrik:. The most important effect has been to exacerbate financial crises. Even without international capital mobility, financial systems are always subject to boom and busts. Financial panics and crashes have always been with us. But if you were to put on the same chart two trend lines, one having to do with the degree of international capital mobility, how free is capital to move, and another trend line having to do with the incidence of banking or sovereign debt crises around the world, those two trend lines would essentially match up.

The more financial globalization there has been the greater incidence of financial crises as well as their severity. There was a time when you looked at these things, when Mexico or Brazil or Russia or India were going through financial crises, and you said there is a problem with those countries, they mismanaged their economies, but when the United States or the Eurozone were having their crises, you suddenly knew that there was something systemic going on, that it was in the nature of the free flow of capital.

The Power Of Banks And Multinationals

Judis:. When you think of what is going on now, what can be done? Is the genie out of the bottle the way you said it was with NAFTA?

Rodrik: I think there is a recurrent and ongoing issue with capital flows that is unlike NAFTA. I think it is important to realize that many economists and even the IMF have revised their view on the desirability of free capital mobility. The IMF has come to accept that there is a role for continued capital controls.

There have been tons of caveats. They should only be used as a last resort and so on, but they have gone from saying every country should free up capital mobility, to saying there might be a role for capital controls. So I do think this is an area where intellectually some progress has been made.

I think we need countries to be willing to be much more aggressive and experimental in their willingness to apply capital controls. Something else we have learned is that there is difficult to be surgical when you are talking about capital controls, because capital is extremely fungible, and there are all kinds of ways that you can evade capital controls that are very finely tuned and very finely targeted.

Judis: Is there something that is preventing countries from imposing capital controls? Why don't countries go back to using them?

Rodrik: There is a tremendous amount of hesitation for two reasons. One is a genuine concern of states that you don't want to be the country that is applying capital controls. I think those who make decisions still worry a lot they will be stigmatized if they were to use capital controls.

The second is the same underlying cause for a lot of the problems we are talking about, which is asymmetric political power — that is, whose opinions get listened to. The banks and multinationals and financial interests have a huge amount of influence and they are able to simultaneously argue to governments and policy makers that imposing capital controls will be very costly, and that if you do them, we can easily evade them. Sometimes they use one argument, sometimes the other. I think they still have enormous sway on policy and politicians.

Trade And The Social Dumping

Judis: So we are get down to nitty-gritty Let's go back to the three steps for rebalancing trade agreements and to American trade policy. Do you think Trump was right to abandon TPP?

Rodrik: Yes.

Judis:. There are a lot of people who thought it was a good idea on geopolitical if not economic grounds. It was a way to strengthen America's position in Asia against that of China.

Rodrik: I think many people thought the economics was unimportant and that geopolitically it was a way of getting Asia to play by American rules and counterbalancing China and so forth. Whether that is good or not, whether that made sense or not from geopolitical standpoint, I think it is crazy to have a trade agreements which is extremely contentious politically and which contains a lot of elements that are highly problematic and use it for geopolitical reasons. If you want to achieve a geopolitical agreement not an economic agreement, do that. I think it was very dishonest and very inappropriate.

On the economics, it is another instance of a trade agreement that would have produced aggregate gains that were really miniscule. The best that the most pro-TPP economists could produce was an estimate that it would increase US GDP 0.4 percent after 10 years. And that included all kinds of assumptions of how employment would not be affected and workers would move to new jobs and new opportunities and so forth, stuff we know from earlier that we doesn't happen, Even in the best circumstances, the overall gains were miniscule.

Then it had really problematic elements. The one I find the most problematic in these new trade agreements is the ISDS, the investor state dispute settlement, which is an abomination. [The TPP would have established independent tribunals that corporations could use to file suit to overturn national regulations.] I think it is a derogation of domestic legal standards and it undermines the integrity of a domestic regulatory and judicial system.

Judis: You talked earlier about changing trade agreements so that they reflect the interests of labor rather than capital. But the main thing you mentioned in explaining it is allowing increased visas for guest workers. That wouldn't seem to benefit a host nation's workers. Look at the abuse of H-1B visas in the United States.

Rodrik: That's true. But is also depends on how you manage it. If am a worker in the United States or Europe, would I rather compete with a Bangladeshi workers who is working in Bangladesh under Bangladeshi labor standards and rules and exporting goods into my market or would I rather compete with him in the United States or Europe earning American and European wages and operating under our labor standards? I would much rather than have the second.

Temporary labor mobility schemes would regularize something that is already happening, but informally and with much greater damage to labor markets and countries. They would also improve labor standards of the workers with whom you are competing. I would add it's not only about guest worker schemes. It is also about much better safety nets. It's about social dumping.

Judis: What is social dumping?

Rodrik: We have remedies against dumping when a foreign country sells things below cost. You protect your domestic company by putting tariffs on the importer who is dumping. Now we often subject our workers to competition with workers elsewhere who are working under very dangerous or substandard labor regulations. These are workers who don't have bargaining rights and so forth. I think in those cases there is an argument we should have a parallel trade remedy that allows for a policy to protect American or European workers from unfair competition.

We protect workers from competition from other domestic workers. I can't hire workers in the United States who work below minimum wage, but I can compete back door by outsourcing to a company in Bangladesh and doing it that way. So social dumping is essentially a mechanism that undermines domestic labor standards and other norms. Preventing it would be one way of changing the rules to make them more symmetric with respect to how we treat businesses and workers.

Judis: A lot of things you are proposing are difficult politically. It would be very hard to get an agreement on social dumping given the power of banks and multinationals. Where do you see changing coming?

Rodrik: I think the change comes because the mainstream panics, and they come to feel that something has to be done. That's how capitalism has changed throughout its history. If you want to be optimistic, the good news is that capitalism has always reinvented itself. Look at the New Deal, look at the rise of the welfare state. These were things that were done to stave off panic or revolution or political upheaval.

I don't want to overdramatize but I think in some ways we are at the cusp of a similar kind of process. You have the populists at the gate, and the centrist political figures and the powers behind them are looking for ways of maintaining the system, and I think they realize they need to make adjustments.

We say we wonder how the people that benefit from the system, the multinationals, the high tech companies, will ever be willing to change, but we forget where these people get their idea of what their interest is. They operate with a particular narrative. The way to change the way they act is to change their ideas of what their interests are.

I think this might be a moment where this is happening. They are seeing the process they believed was perfect is not so perfect. And they see that if nothing is done, there are going to be a bunch of rightwing populists and nativists and xenophobes who are going to gain in power.

So I think the powerful interests are reevaluating what their interest is. They are considering whether they have a greater interest in creating trust and credibility and rebuilding the social contract with their compatriots. That is how to get change to take place without a complete overhaul of the structure of power.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Bernie at the People's Summit

via Portside

Sanders will take his message to the People's Summit, an event training progressives to run for office or organize campaigns ahead of the 2018 mid-terms
Adam Gabbatt
June 9, 2017
Among the most anticipated speakers will be 'Berniecrats' who have recently won office running on a Sanders-esque message.

Bernie Sanders' speech at the People's Summit in Chicago on Saturday will mark a "turning point" for the political revolution he inspired, according to the organizers behind the three-day activist event.

Sanders will headline the event on Saturday night, while high-profile celebrity activists including Mark Ruffalo, Jessie Eisenberg and Naomi Klein will also attend.

Some of the most influential progressive organizations in the country – representing millions of people – are behind the summit, including People for BernieNational Nurses United and the Sanders-backed Our Revolution.

"It's going to be a turning point for the people who have been really invested in the Bernie revolution," said Winnie Wong, a key organizer of the summit and a co-founder of People for Bernie, an independent group with more than a million members who supported his bid for president.

Wong said the summit would be a "political education for organizers ahead of 2018".

"They will be better prepared to create campaigns that are authentic and credible and principled. The program is conceived to make sure that people leave with a plan."

Some of the sessions at McCormick Place will focus specifically on training progressives to run for office or organize campaigns ahead of the 2018 midterms. Sanders' wife, Jane, on Wednesday launched the Sanders Institute, a not-for-profit group that aims to educate people on progressive issues, and the institute will organize events bringing people from each of the 50 states together to plan campaigns.

Among the most anticipated speakers will be "Berniecrats" who have recently won office running on a Sanders-esque message.

Khalid Kamau, a self-identified democratic socialist who became one of the first Black Lives Matter activists to hold elected office when he won a seat on Atlanta's South Fulton city council in April, will host a session called Down-Ballot Revolutionaries.

State assemblywoman Christine Pellegrino, a Sanders delegate who became the first ever Democrat to represent New York state's ninth district when she won a special election in May, will also speak about her success.

Both Pellegrino and Kamau were endorsed by Our Revolution and People for Bernie, and supporters of those groups canvassed and made phone calls on their behalf, in a template progressives hope can serve other candidates in the 2018 mid-terms.

"That pulled progressives from all over New York state," Pellegrino said of the endorsement. "It was a real hotbed for activism, and our campaign gave progressives something to really dig into."

Pellegrino said her victory shows that Democrats "should run truly progressive candidates in every race up and down the ticket".

Even with the support of activist-led organizations, Pellegrino said she could not have won without the financial support of the more establishment-oriented Nassau County Democratic party – a warning to progressive candidates across the country.

"You can't underestimate the necessity of financial backing," she said. "We've been saying as progressives we wish it didn't have to be this way, but a campaign is an organization that has people. And those people need to be provided with the resources that they need."

A key to her win, Pellegrino said, was that "we knocked on doors where people said they had never been spoken to" by Democrats.

"When you ignore voters for years and years and years, how can you expect them to turn out?"

One of the organizations holding events at the summit specifically focuses on this kind of outreach. Knock Every Door, which was formed in January, recruits and trains volunteers to canvas potential voters.

Becky Bond, a former senior adviser to the Sanders campaign and part of the team that runs Knock Every Door, said winning voters is about "talking to everybody", not just Democratic voters, in an effort to have what Bond called "listening conversations" on the doorstep – not just delivering a sales pitch.

"When someone feels listened to, they're much more likely to engage back with you," Bond said. "There's been a lot of research behind this. If you just go to the door and deliver a script that'll have some effect.

"But if you actually have a back and forth conversation with someone, that's how people change their thinking."

Bond, who will lead a "big organizing beyond Bernie" seminar this weekend, said Democrats and progressives can learn from the Trump campaign.

"If you look at the Trump phenomenon, a lot of people felt Trump understood what was going on in their lives.

"Obviously Trump was lying about what he was going to do to help people, but the fact that they felt like he saw them and recognized their situation is really, really important.

"And one of the ways that we do that is by listening to people at the doors before we start talking to them about our experience and how that leads us to different conclusions."

This is the second People's Summit, following the inaugural event last year. Six organizations – People's Action, Democratic Socialists of America, Our Revolution, National Nurses United, People for Bernie and Progressive Democrats of America – have spent months organizing the three-day program, and Wong said 45% of the attendees will be younger than 35.

Kamau, the newly elected South Fulton councilman, said part of the focus of his down-ballot revolutionaries seminar will be getting those under-35s into office.

"It's about building a bench," Kamau said, pointing out that high-profile, young Democrats are few and far between.

"Getting young people to first run for city council, then state house, then congress, then governor."

Kamau campaigned on a platform that included raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, ending "money for bail", making voting day a holiday and decriminalising marijuana.

"People think that stuff will never work here in Georgia. But if you can get it to work here then you can scale it up to a national level," Kamau said.

The Democratic party "are scared about a national minimum wage, and about decriminalizing marijuana", he said.

"But if you can do it a local level then it becomes like a domino effect. Because when people see that it works in one place and this guy doesn't fall, then they will try it in other places, and larger places."

Larry Krasner will co-host the down ballot revolutionaries session with Kamau. Krasner won the Democratic primary for Philadelphia district attorney in May, defeating a host of establishment candidates. In a heavily Democratic city, he is extremely likely to take office in November.

While Pellegrino won with support of the local Democratic party, Krasner ran much more of an insurgent campaign without establishment support – his victory serving to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat, but also serving as a warning to the Democratic party elite as a whole.

Krasner, a Sanders supporter in 2016, pledged never to pursue the death penalty, to work to end mass-incarceration, and to treat drug addiction "as a medical addiction rather than a crime".

He received party support in only 12 city wards out of 66, but despite this won 47 of those wards to receive the nomination.

"The Democratic party has a choice," Krasner said.

"They can remain a party that is accustomed to having people with the same last name run, in which case they look just like the Republican party and the Bushes.

"They can be a party dominated by career politicians doing things in ways that may be outdated, they can fight the progressives, or they can get smart."

Krasner said achieving that smartness means embracing the left.

"Running towards the center is not always the best plan. Sometimes increasing the tent is the better plan."

Organizers hope that the People's Summit can go some way towards expanding that tent ahead of 2018.

Adam Gabbatt is a writer/presenter for the Guardian, based in New York. He won a journalism bursary from the Scott Trust, the company that owns the Guardian, in 2008. Click here for Adam Gabbatt's public key. Twitter.

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Reign of Trump: Understanding Crazy in Washington [feedly]

The Reign of Trump: Understanding Crazy in Washington

The Reign of Trump: Understanding Crazy in Washington

Dean Baker
The Hankyoreh, May 28, 2017

See article on original site

It must be very difficult for anyone outside of the United States to understand what is going on in Washington these days. Presidents of the United States have not always been great intellectuals, but usually it could be assumed that they would have at least some understanding of the major issues affecting the country and the world. Furthermore, regardless of political leanings, they would be sure to have people around them who were expert in the areas assigned and they would rely on these people to shape policy and their public statements.

The history here is not glorious. President George W. Bush's experts took the U.S. into a needless and seemingly endless war in Iraq. The top economic advisers to Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush laid the groundwork for the housing bubble, the collapse of which gave us the worst economic crisis in seven decades, from which we still have not fully recovered.

But even with such horrendous mistakes, presidents did make an effort to be informed on major policy areas. This is not true with President Trump. He really is clueless in most areas of foreign and domestic policy. He knows remarkably little about basic policy issues for someone who has lived in this country for 70 years, and perhaps even more serious, he doesn't care.

His incredible ignorance shows itself almost daily. Trump vigorously denounced China throughout his campaign as a world class currency manipulator. Yet he told everyone about his great relationship with China's President Xi Jinping after their meeting last month. He said that he didn't want to ruin the relationship by talking about currencies, and came away the meeting with the interesting tidbit that Korea used to be part of China.

His knowledge of domestic matters seems little better. In February, the month designated to highlight African American history, Trump referred to the great slavery abolitionist and civil rights activist Frederick Douglass as though he were still alive. (He's been dead for 120 years.) He also suggested that people should examine the causes of the U.S. Civil War, an issue that is already the topic of an immense body of research.

He apparently does not even understand the Electoral College system whereby he managed to win the presidency even though lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. He routinely hands out maps of the 50 state electoral vote to reporters interviewing him, as though he is providing new information. All these reporters already know the map by memory.

It would be possible to go on at considerable length about President Trump's ignorance and incompetence, but the real question is why do the Republicans stand behind a president who is embarrassingly unqualified for the job? The answer is they don't care.

The Republican Party has become a vehicle for the rich to take as much as they possibly can as quickly as they possibly can. There is no ideology or philosophical commitment involved; this is simply a question of filling their pockets.

This is apparent in all of their actions. The centerpiece of their health care reform proposal is a tax cut of more than $600 billion over the next decade, which goes almost exclusively to the richest one percent in the country. As a bonus, they stand to pay less for their health care insurance, if they also happen to be in good health. (The plan is also likely to cost 24 million people their insurance.)The tax reform plan that Trump has outlined could give millions of dollars in tax savings each year to the country's richest families and save their families billions when they die by eliminating the estate tax.

But it is not just on the tax side that Trump's policies will make the rich even richer. Trump and the Republicans are fighting financial regulations that are designed to hold down the fees charged by the financial industry on everything from student loans and retirement accounts to credit card transactions. In addition to abandoning efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, the Trump administration is also weakening environmental regulations that essentially require industry to clean up after itself.

A great example was Trump's use of an executive order to overturn a regulation that required the mining industry to restore land after it engaged in mountain top mining. While this was sold as a measure to protect the jobs of mineworkers, it will likely have the opposite effect. Trump was making it cheaper for coal companies to replace labor intensive underground mining with mountain top mines that employ far fewer workers. His executive order was about coal industry profits and nothing more.

The Republicans in Congress, who have the power to remove a president that is clearly not qualified for the job, have no intention of taking any action as long as he can produce results for the very rich. These people care about being re-elected and when their career in Congress is over they look to a second career as an incredibly well-paid lobbyist.

The only way that Republicans will abandon Trump is if he actually becomes so much of a public embarrassment that he jeopardizes the re-election prospects of a substantial percentage of Republican senators and Representatives. We clearly have not reached this point, which means that Trump can keep being as crazy and corrupt as he wants.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Hints of Progress for Labor in the United States [feedly]

Hints of Progress for Labor in the United States

Hints of Progress for Labor in the United States

Dean Baker
Intereconomics, Volume 52, May/June 2017, Number 3

See article on original site

With Donald Trump sitting in the White House and right-wing Republicans controlling Congress, there is not much for labor to cheer about on the American national political scene. In addition, the overall prospect for union organizing does not look very good. Republicans are pursuing policies at both the national and state level to further erode union membership. But with all the bad news, there have been some important victories at the state and local levels that can perhaps lay the groundwork for gains nationally in future years.

The most important of these battles has been the drive for an increase in the minimum wage. The national minimum wage has been set at $7.25 an hour since 2009. In the intervening eight years, inflation has reduced its purchasing power by almost 17%. Measured by purchasing power, the current national minimum wage is more than 25% below its 1968 peak. That is a substantial decline in living standards for the country's lowest-paid workers. 

However, the situation is even worse if we compare the minimum wage to productivity. From 1938, when a national minimum wage was first put in place, until 1968, it was raised in step with the average wage, which in turn tracked economy-wide productivity growth. If the minimum wage had continued to track productivity growth in the years since 1968, it would be almost $20 an hour today, more than two and a half times its current level. That would put it near the current median wage for men and close to the 60th percentile wage for women. This is a striking statement on how unevenly the gains from growth have been shared over the last half century.

The Obama administration tried unsuccessfully to make up some of this lost ground during his presidency. While it may have been possible in his first two years when the Democrats controlled Congress, higher priority was given to the stimulus, health care reform and financial reform. Once the Republicans regained control in 2010, increases in the minimum wage were off the table. Needless to say, it is unlikely (although not impossible) that the Trump administration will take the lead in pushing for a higher minimum wage any time soon.

Although the situation looks bleak nationally, there have been many successful efforts to increase the minimum wage in states and cities across the country in recent years. This effort has been led by unions, most importantly the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), whose "Fight for $15" campaign is pushing to make $15 an hour the nationwide minimum. The drive gained momentum with its endorsement by Bernie Sanders in his remarkable campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination last year. While Sanders was of course defeated for the nomination, his push for a $15 an hour minimum wage won the support of many voters. It is now a mainstream position within the national Democratic Party.

However, the action for the near term is at the state and local levels, where there have been many successes. There are now 29 states that have a minimum wage higher than the national minimum. The leader in this effort is California, which is now scheduled to have a $15 an hour minimum wage as of January 2022. With over 12% of the US population living there, this is a big deal. Washington State is not far behind, with the minimum wage scheduled to reach $13.50 an hour in January 2020. New York State's minimum wage will rise to $12.50 an hour at the end of 2020 and will be indexed to inflation in subsequent years.

Several cities have also jumped ahead with higher minimum wages. San Francisco and Seattle, two centers of the tech economy, both are set to reach $15 an hour for city minimums by 2020. Many other cities, including New York, Chicago and St. Louis have also set minimum wages considerably higher than the federal and state levels.

What has been most impressive about these efforts to secure higher minimum wages is the widespread support they enjoy. This is not just an issue that appeals to the dwindling number of union members and progressive sympathizers. Polls consistently show that higher minimum wages have the support of people across the political spectrum. Even Republicans support raising the minimum wage, and often by a large margin.

As a result of this support, minimum wage drives have generally succeeded in ballot initiatives when state legislatures or local city councils were not willing to support higher minimums. The last minimum wage increase in Florida was put in place by a ballot initiative that passed in 2004, even as the state voted for George W. Bush for president. Missouri, which has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in this century, approved a ballot initiative for a higher minimum wage in 2006. South Dakota, Nebraska and Arkansas, all solidly Republican states, approved ballot initiatives for higher minimum wages in 2014. In short, this is an issue where the public clearly supports the progressive position.

These increases in state and local minimum wages have meant substantial improvements in the living standards of the affected populations. In many cases, families are earning 20-30% more than they would if the minimum wage had been left at the federal minimum.

In addition, several states, including California, have also put in place measures to give workers some amount of paid family leave and sick days. While workers in Europe have long taken such benefits for granted, most workers in the United States cannot count on receiving paid time off. This is especially true for less-educated and lower-paid workers. In fact, employers in most states do not have to grant unpaid time off and can fire a worker for taking a sick day for themselves or to care for a sick child. So the movement towards requiring paid time off is quite significant for many workers.

This progress should be noted when thinking about the political situation and the plight of working people in the United States, but there are also two important qualifications that need to be added. The first is that there are clearly limits to how far it is possible to go with minimum wage increases before the job losses offset the benefits. Recent research has shown that modest increases can be put in place with few or no job losses, but everyone recognizes that at some point higher minimum wages will lead to substantial job loss. A higher minimum wage relative to economy-wide productivity was feasible in the past because the US had a whole range of more labor-friendly policies in place. In the absence of these supporting policies, we cannot expect the lowest-paid workers to get the same share of the pie as they did half a century ago.

The other important qualification is the obvious one: higher minimum wages do not increase union membership. The SEIU, the AFL-CIO and the member unions that have supported the drive for a higher minimum wage have done so in the best tradition of enlightened unionism. They recognize that a higher minimum wage can benefit a substantial portion of their membership, since it sets a higher base from which they can negotiate upward. Of course, it is also a policy that benefits the working class as a whole. For this reason, unions collectively have devoted considerable resources to advancing the drive to raise the minimum wage.

However, this has put a real strain on their budgets at a time when anti-union efforts are reducing the number of dues-paying members in both the public and private sectors. This will make it more difficult to sustain the momentum for raising minimum wages and mandating employer benefits. For this reason, the good news on the minimum wage must be tempered. It is a rare bright spot for labor in the United States in the last decade, but it will be a struggle to sustain the momentum in the years ahead.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

President Trump’s Draconian Budget Hits West Virginia Hardest [feedly]

President Trump's Draconian Budget Hits West Virginia Hardest

For President Trump's proposed Federal "Blueprint" Budget for 2018, the bottom line is clear: West Virginia stands to lose more than any other state. The proposed budget, which was sent to Congress virtually unchanged from its original form in March, cuts discretionary funding for major federal agencies by $54 billion and it is estimated to cut mandatory funding by $5 billion for 2018, and an estimated $800 billion over the next 10 years. Discretionary funds are appropriated by the federal government to states for vital services and programs, while mandatory funds go toward safety net programs that bypass the state legislature.

West Virginia relies more on federal assistance than other states because of our high poverty rates, low-wage jobs, and our generally unhealthy and aging population. In FY 2017, West Virginia received over $965 million dollars for discretionary spending from the federal government, which will be reduced by nine percent, or about $86.5 million overall, in the president's FY 2018 proposal. The cuts at the federal level will shift the responsibilities onto states to provide the necessary funds to maintain discretionary programs such as 21st Community Learning Centers and the Appalachian Regional Commission. It is highly unlikely West Virginia would chose to fund any of these programs.

Cuts to mandatory funding will have a deep impact as well. In FY 2017, the state received over $4 billion in mandatory funding, for programs like Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security and Disability Income, and Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program. If the president's proposal is enacted, West Virginia will lose about five percent or $187 million, of those funds next year. West Virginia is in no position to inherit this combined $273 million expense next year in light of the current budgetary shortfalls. Over the next 10 years, that number will grow as reductions in vital safety net programs such as SNAP begin in 2020.

Proposed Budget Cuts to Discretionary Funds

The fiscal impact of the elimination of federal grant programs by the president's budget will vary from state to state. Some states simply require less federal assistance than others due to the relative disparities in economic strength. A $94 million reduction in discretionary funds is disconcerting because it will lead to increased economic insecurity and decrease access to programs that provide basic housing, nutritional, and health needs. These funding cuts will come from eliminating educational programs, vouchers for nutritional and housing needs, job training programs, and other federal initiatives aimed at economic development in Appalachia's rural communities. The only department that is not seeing any cut is the Department of Transportation, which is getting a $9 million increase. However, this slight increase counts for only 1 percent of the total discretionary funds.

The Department of Education has served an estimated 200,000 West Virginian students since 2004 through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, which provides academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly those who live in high poverty and low performing school districts. President Trump's budget completely eliminates this program. As of 2014 there are 133 sites across the state providing mostly elementary students with resources to meet state and federal education standards.

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), which the President singled out and entirely eliminated under his proposed budget, was one of the most ambitious programs currently investing in West Virginia and the Appalachian region. The ARC brought nearly $24.1 million to 55 projects throughout West Virginia in the last two years and was set to attract nearly $28 million more in private investment to create economic opportunities, a ready workforce, and critical infrastructure.

Proposed Budget Funding Cuts to Mandatory Funding

Cuts to mandatory funding could be somewhere around $800 Billion over the next 10 years, according to experts. Programs that serve as a basic safety net have long since been considered instrumental to the country's national wellbeing. For example, without Social Security an additional 122,000 seniors in West Virginia would live in poverty. In West Virginia, and in many other states, safety net programs are also a large share of the state's economy.

An illustrative way to measure how much of an impact these programs have on West Virginia's economy is to look at each program's contribution as a percentage to the state's personal income – a proxy for a state's economy.  Medicare for instance, brings in about 6.4 percent of the state's personal income, the most of any state.

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, which helps struggling families and workers put healthy food on the table, reached nearly 357,000 West Virginians, or 20 percent of the state's population and put approximately $499 million into West Virginia's economy. The president's proposal cuts $193 billion (25 percent) of SNAP's funding nationally over the next 10 years. For West Virginia, that would mean an annual state contribution of $125 million, and $869 million over the next 10 years to replace the loss in federal funds.

West Virginia will likely see deep cuts in Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), as well. SSI and SSDI benefits go directly toward low-income households who had professional careers cut short due to a disability and families caring for children with disabilities such as down syndrome, autism, and blindness. The president's proposal cuts $72 billion over 10 years to disability programs, including SSI and SSDI. A reduction to these funds will mean those already struggling to make ends meet will struggle even more for the assistance they need to support themselves and their families and stay out of bankruptcy. Once again, West Virginia relies more on these programs than any other state.

The president's proposed budget is an effort to reduce overall federal spending on programs and strengthen the military, it achieves this through targeting the nation's poorest and most vulnerable populations by drastically reducing funding for the programs they rely on. The figure below is an illustration of major federal programs (SNAP, SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, and Medicare) together as a share each state's personal income. West Virginia stands to lose the most from the funding cuts proposed by the president not only in real dollars flowing into the state, but perhaps even more importantly, in the quality of the services these programs provide (Figure 1).

 -- via my feedly newsfeed