Thursday, March 14, 2019

Dean Baker To Reduce Inequality, Let’s Downsize the Financial Sector [feedly]

To Reduce Inequality, Let's Downsize the Financial Sector

Matt Bruenig — the president of the progressive, grassroots-funded People's Policy Project think tank — put forward a creative set of policy proposals last month on child care and family policy under the title of the Family Fun Pack. It prompted a major discussion in progressive circles on child care policy, helped in part by Sen. Elizabeth Warren's important proposal in this area that was released the next week.

In the hope of prompting the same sort of debate on policy directed toward the financial sector, I am putting forward the "Finance Fun Pack." While the full list of policies to rein in finance would be far more extensive, this one has three main components:

  1. A modest tax on financial transactions;

  2. Complete transparency on the contract terms that public pension funds sign with private equity companies; and 

  3. Complete transparency on the contract terms that university and other nonprofit endowments sign with hedge funds.

The goal of these policies is to have a smaller and more efficient financial sector. They are also likely to reduce the opportunity for earning huge fortunes in the sector. People looking to get fabulously rich will instead have to do something productive.

A modest tax on trades in stock, bonds and derivatives (like options, futures and credit default swaps) can raise a large amount of money while making the financial sector more efficient. According to the Congressional Budget Office, a tax of 0.1 percent on trades, as proposed in a new bill by Sen. Brian Schatz, would raise close to $100 billion a year or 0.5 percent of GDP.

While this is a good chunk of change (it's almost 50 percent more than we spend on food stamps each year), the really fun part of it is that it comes almost entirely out of the pocket of the financial industry rather than investors. The reason is that most research finds that the volume of trading is highly elastic, meaning that the volume of trade is likely to fall by a larger percentage than the increase in trading costs as a result of the tax.

Suppose that Senator Schatz's tax increases the cost of trading for a typical investor by 30 percent. The research implies that most investors (or their fund managers) are likely to reduce their trading volume by at least 30 percent. This means that they will pay 30 percent more for each trade, but they will be doing 30 percent less trading. As a result, their total trading costs are likely to remain unchanged or even decline.

While every trade has a winner and a loser, on average these net out. This means that most investors will not be harmed if they or their funds trade less frequently. The only losers in this story are the folks in the financial sector who make their money on needless trades.

We do want active financial markets, but even if volume fell by 50 percent we would still be at the levels we were at in the 1990s. No one questions that the United States had a very deep financial market in the 1990s. If we could get back to this level of trading volume and save $100 billion a year or so in trading costs, this would be a huge gain for the economy. It would also reduce inequality, since many of the people doing the trading that would be eliminated are very rich.

The next part of the financial fun pack would be a requirement to make fully public all the terms that public pension funds sign with private equity companies and other investment managers. Their returns would also be fully public. This would mean that anyone could go on the website for any state or local pension fund and see exactly the terms of any contract it signed with a private equity company and also whether the investment turned out to be a good deal for them.

Private equity companies engage in many dubious practices, typically loading up firms with debt and often pushing them into bankruptcy. These practices raise many issues, but a really simple point is that pension funds often don't make money on these investments. The private equity partners get very rich (think of Mitt Romney), but the investors often don't.

As it stands, private equity companies typically require that the terms of their contracts be kept secret, making it difficult to know whether pension funds are being ripped off. Federal legislation requiring full disclosure could be a remedy for this situation.

There is a similar story with hedge fund types who are the favored investors for university endowments. It seems that these millionaires and billionaires have cost places like Harvard billions of dollars with their bad investment choices in recent years.

A recent study found that the average return on the Ivy League's endowments substantially lagged a portfolio with an indexed 60 percent/40 percent, stock-to-bond mix. Harvard led the underperformers, falling behind this portfolio by more than three percentage points. On its $40 billion endowment, this would imply Harvard was throwing more than $1 billion a year into the toilet to make its investment managers rich.

The government could require that to keep tax-exempt status a non-profit has to make all the terms of its investment contracts fully public. This way, everyone at Harvard could know who was getting rich at the expense of students' financial aid and workers' salaries.

Anyhow, that's the Finance Fun Pack. It may not make the rich people in the financial sector very happy, but it should provide plenty of entertainment for the rest of us.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Larry Summers: The left’s embrace of modern monetary theory is a recipe for disaster

The left's embrace of modern monetary theory is a recipe for disaster  

Larry Summers:
We've seen this movie before.

There is widespread frustration with the performance of the economy. Traditional policy approaches are not delivering hoped-for results. A relatively unpopular president is loathed to an unusual extent by a frustrated opposition party that lost the previous presidential election while running a pillar of its establishment. And altered economic conditions have led to the development of new economic ideas that reflect a significant break with previous orthodoxy.

And now, these new ideas are being oversimplified and exaggerated by fringe economists who hold them out as offering the proverbial free lunch: the ability of the government to spend more without imposing any burden on anyone.

During the late 1970s, this was the story of supply-side, Laffer-curve economics. It began with the valid idea that taxes had important incentive effects and that, in conceivable circumstances, tax cuts could raise revenue. It grew into the ludicrous idea that tax cuts would always pay for themselves, and this view was then adopted by a frustrated extreme wing of a major political party. 

George H.W. Bush was right during the 1980 presidential primary campaign to call such thinking "voodoo economics." In the decades following, that doctrine did substantial damage to the U.S. economy.

Modern monetary theory, sometimes shortened to MMT, is the supply-side economics of our time. A valid idea — that traditional fiscal-policy taboos need to be rethought in an era of low real interest rates — has been stretched by fringe economists into ludicrous claims that massive spending on job guarantees can be financed by central banks without any burden on the economy. At a moment of economic and political frustration, some in the more extreme wing of the out-of-power political party are seizing on the possibility of a free lunch to offer politically attractive ways out of economic difficulty.

Modern monetary theory is fallacious at multiple levels.

First, it holds out the prospect that somehow by printing money, the government can finance its deficits at zero cost. In fact, in today's economy, the government pays interest on any new money it creates, which takes the form of its reserves held by banks at the Federal Reserve. Yes, there is outstanding currency in circulation, but because that can always be deposited in a bank, its quantity is not controlled by the government. Even money-financed deficits cause the government to incur debt.

Second, contrary to the claims of modern monetary theorists, it is not true that governments can simply create new money to pay all liabilities coming due and avoid default. As the experience of any number of emerging markets demonstrates, past a certain point, this approach leads to hyperinflation. Indeed, in emerging markets that have practiced modern monetary theory, situations could arise where people could buy two drinks at bars at once to avoid the hourly price increases. As with any tax, there is a limit to the amount of revenue that can be raised via such an inflation tax. If this limit is exceeded, hyperinflation will result.

Third, modern monetary theorists typically reason in terms of a closed economy. But a policy of relying on central bank finance of government deficits, as suggested by modern monetary theorists, would likely result in a collapsing exchange rate. This would in turn lead to increased inflation, increased long-term interest rates (because of inflation), risk premiums, capital fleeing the country, and lower real wages as the exchange rate collapsed and the price of imports soared.

Again, this is not just theory. Numerous emerging markets have found, contrary to modern monetary theory, that they could not print money to cover even their domestic currency liabilities. The same is true of industrial economies. The Mitterrand government in France in 1981 and the Schröder government in Germany in 1998 began with MMT-type approaches to policy and were forced to reverse course. The British and Italians both had to call in the International Monetary Fund during the mid-1970s because of excessive reliance on inflationary finance.

Supply-side economics was an unreasonable extension of valid ideas; few today advocate the top corporate tax rate of 46 percent and rates above 50 percent for a substantial swath of taxpayers that prevailed in the late 1970s. So, too, in a new era when the Fed chairman thinks that neutral real interest rates are well below 1 percent, we can approach federal borrowing with much less trepidation than we have traditionally.

But for neither the right nor the left is there any such thing as a free lunch. It's the responsibility of serious economists, whatever their political party, to make this clear. 

John Case
Harpers Ferry, WV
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Rithotz: When breaking up makes no sense [feedly]

A contra view on Senator Warren's proposal to break up big tech companies Facebook, Amazon and Google (Microsoft, Apple, Intel.. gets left out now???)

When breaking up makes no sense

Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Facebook, Amazon and Google. Why?

In the 1990s, Microsoft — the tech giant of its time — was trying to parlay its dominance in computer operating systems into dominance in the new area of web browsing. The federal government sued Microsoft for violating anti-monopoly laws and eventually reached a settlement. The government's antitrust case against Microsoft helped clear a path for Internet companies like Google and Facebook to emerge.

The story demonstrates why promoting competition is so important: it allows new, groundbreaking companies to grow and thrive — which pushes everyone in the marketplace to offer better products and services. Aren't we all glad that now we have the option of using Google instead of being stuck with Bing?

There is alot to unpack here. First, while the government wanted to break-up Microsoft, it didn't end up being able to do it. Yes, there was traditional antitrust enforcement (in the US and also notably in Europe) but that isn't a breakup.

Second, did it help clear a path for Google and Facebook? That is, had the antitrust enforcement not proceeded, would they have been in trouble? Well, of course, we know that we didn't need to break Microsoft up. But it is very unclear what the other antitrust actions did with regard to Google and Facebook. What was Microsoft doing that might have stopped them? I don't really know. Maybe something to do with Java? Maybe they would have thwarted Google at the level of Internet Explorer or blocked Chrome? But it is far from clear. We know that in competing with Google, the well-resourced Microsoft was unable to really get inroads on them despite actually having a search engine that was likely equivalent or just a shade worse. Compare that to other inferior Microsoft products that actually succeeded and the case is really hard to parse.

Third, how crippled is Microsoft exactly? Today, when I looked at company valuations, Facebook is at $481b, Amazon is at $793b, Google is at $799b and Microsoft is …. checks notes .. at $840b (even higher than Apple at $810b). So Microsoft is the world's most valuable company. It wasn't just the tech giant of the 1990s but it is the tech giant of today!

Fourth, it is pretty odd that Warren is targeting Facebook, Google and Amazon when Microsoft is out there as the tech giant. Moreover, why is Microsoft the tech giant? It is pretty obvious why: it has a virtual monopoly over PC operating systems and PC Enterprise software? You know, the things it actually had a monopoly over in the 1990s when it was pursued by the DOJ. Now we don't perceive it as so bad as there are alternatives to both of these but, in general, Microsoft does not appear to be operating like a company facing brutal competition. I am not saying it should be broken up. I'm just saying that I don't understand where Warren is drawing some line. I mean if those other companies are bad for democracy because of their power, why doesn't that apply to larger ones?

Now all this is not to say that there aren't significant reasons to look at all of these companies for antitrust reasons. For instance, I think we should get innovative in dealing with Facebook and I am worried about Google's vertical integration that favours some of its own services over potential competitors. In some cases, divestiture may be the only remedy. And I think the weaker antitrust pushes in the US should be strengthened considerably.

When you delve into a few more of the details, Warren wants a vertical breakup of at least Google and Amazon — by isolating their "platform utilities" (something that I couldn't see a definition of). For Amazon, this is odd since it opened up its marketplace to third parties when it didn't have to for regulatory reasons. For Google, it is unclear how breaking up its ad exchange in places will lead to greater competition in search.

But when someone comes out and says these three companies should be broken up and suggests some, in some cases, just punative ways of doing that, we have to take it seriously. Crazy policies have been proposed recently in the US and UK that no one thought could ever be done and then they just happen. I worried that a breakup rather than an innovative approach to opening up to enhance technology competition will end up being another of those things that ends up hurting many without any benefit to anyone.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Friday, March 8, 2019

A close look at recent increases in the black unemployment rate [feedly]

A close look at recent increases in the black unemployment rate

Everything from weather to furloughs made it hard to draw any major conclusions from this month's employment report, but one recent worrisome trend persisted—a continued increase in unemployment for black workers.

The Labor Department's February employment report showed job growth effectively stalled last month, rising just 20,000. That was much lower than anticipated and substantially weaker than the prevailing trend of the last few years. The average over the last three months came in at a more solid 186,000, likely a better reflection of underlying trends, given the unusually harsh weather in February. At the same time, wages grew 3.4 percent over the year, the highest so far in the economic recovery from the Great Recession.

Turning to the separate household survey, the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent, while the labor force participation rate and the employment-to-population ratio (EPOP) held steady. The overall unemployment rate has sat at or below 4.0 percent for the last twelve months, averaging 3.9 percent over the year. The black unemployment rate, on the other hand, averaged 6.4 percent over the last year and has been increasing in recent months. For comparison, white unemployment tracked the drop in overall unemployment in February and has averaged 3.4 percent over the last year.

Given relatively small sample sizes and data volatility, I try to not to make a huge deal about any month-to-month trend. So, when the black unemployment rate started rising in December 2018, there was a good chance it was a blip. That so-called blip has happened for three months in a row. Black unemployment hit a low of 5.9 percent in this business cycle back in May 2018 and has exhibited relatively normal fluctuations in the ensuing months. It rose from 6.0 percent in November to 6.6 percent in December, then again to 6.8 percent in January and 7.0 percent in February. The black unemployment rate hasn't been above 7.0 percent in over a year. Because of the volatility and concerns about monthly data reliability, the figure below smooths out the black and white unemployment rates, graphing both the monthly data (in light blue and green, respectively) as well as a three-month moving average (in dark blue and green, respectively). The three-month moving average is in a darker shade because that's what I think that's the underlying trend and what we should focus on.

Jobs Day

Over the last three months, black unemployment averaged 6.8 percent, up from 6.1 percent the prior three months. This significant uptick is concerning. It does appear that the labor force participation rate ticked up slightly between the prior three months and the most recent three month (62.3 percent to 62.5 percent). Taken on its own, this is a sign that black workers may be (re)entering the labor force in the hopes of finding jobs. But, at the same time, the black employment-to-population ratio fell twice as far over the same comparison period. The black EPOP averaged 58.2 percent the last three months, down from 58.6 percent the prior three months.

The rise in black unemployment did not happen at a time when white unemployment also increased sharply. Over the last three months, white unemployment averaged 3.4 percent, exactly half as much as the black unemployment rate (6.8 percent), and only ticked up slightly over the previous three months (from 3.3 percent). As the economy continues to more towards full employment we would expect there to be some closing of the black-white unemployment gap, so the recent trend is troubling.

We cannot definitively say this is a trend that is going to continue, but it is certainly an indicator to watch in coming months. That's especially true given widening wage gaps between black and white workers in recent years.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Puerto Rico Forced to Slash Basic Food Aid While Waiting for Washington to Act [feedly]

Puerto Rico Forced to Slash Basic Food Aid While Waiting for Washington to Act

Some 1.35 million low-income residents of Puerto Rico — more than a third of its population — reportedly have had, or will have, their food assistance benefits cut dramatically this month because its disaster food aid has run out and the President and Congress haven't granted the governor's request for $600 million more in funding. The House passed an aid package that includes the funds.  

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Economics After Neoliberalism -- from Dani Rodrik's Economics for Inclusive prosperity

Economics After Neoliberalism

The dead weight of decades of bad economics remains.The Economists for Inclusive Prosperity (EfIP) initiative is long overdue.

Today's leading scholars are at the cutting edge of a new era in economics research, one that casts serious doubt on the received wisdom that the economy functions best when left alone and that the "free market" should not be jeopardized through government "intervention." You'd be hard-pressed to find an academic economist in good standing now who doubts the essential contingency of economic outcomes. The discipline has largely rejected the simplistic "economics says" pattern of policy prescription—the idea that theory implies we must enact this or that (usually elite-favoring) policy. It was noteworthy that when Hoover Institute fellow Russ Roberts published his reactionary diatribe against empirical research in favor of received laissez-faire wisdom, it received no attention from scholars other than those already affiliated with his network of ideologically and politically motivated (and funded) collaborators.

The public has good reason to doubt what economists have to say.

But the dead weight of decades of bad economics—and of bad interventions by professional economists in the public debate—remains. In the late 1990s, leading economists advocated for financial deregulation. In the early 2000s, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan put his great, and unmerited, prestige to work advocating in Congress for regressive tax policy. More recently, in the financial crisis and the global recession that followed, leading members of the economics profession placed their prestige behind the idea that the main threat to the economy was spiraling government debt and a resulting spike in interest rates that would lead to the crowding out of private investment and a stagflation crisis of the type experienced in the 1970s. The fact that these dire warnings repeatedly failed to come true has not stopped a march of bad policies, such as misguided fiscal austerity, from being enacted by politicians who think they are doing what "economics demands" (or so they say).

Every new generation proclaims itself to have discovered empirical verification for the first time.

The public thus has good reason to doubt what economists have to say. They will find it hard to believe that we have finally learned our lesson, and they will understandably be reluctant to accord a new generation of economists the same level of prestige and deference in matters of expertise that got us into this mess in the first place—particularly if the argument we make about why we should be listened to rests solely on an overly optimistic narrative of scientific progress.

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Such narratives have an unfortunate history in the discipline (perhaps in all disciplines). It seems that every new generation proclaims itself to have discovered empirical verification for the first time, and is thus in a unique position to enter the policy realm in triumph. In the conclusion to his presidential address to the American Economic Association in 1964, for example, George Stigler said:

The age of quantification is now full upon us. We are armed with a bulging arsenal of techniques of quantitative analysis, and of a power—as compared to untrained common sense—comparable to the displacement of archers by cannon. . . . The desire to measure economic phenomena is now in the ascendant. . . .

It is a scientific revolution of the very first magnitude. . . . I am convinced that economics is finally at the threshold of its golden age—nay, we already have one foot through the door.

The revolution in our thinking has begun to reach public policy, and soon it will make irresistible demands upon us. . . .

Our expanding theoretical and empirical studies will inevitably and irresistibly enter into the subject of public policy, and we shall develop a body of knowledge essential to intelligent policy formulation. And then, quite frankly, I hope that we become the ornaments of democratic society whose opinions on economic policy shall prevail.

Thankfully, Naidu, Rodrik, and Zucman aren't nearly as triumphalist as Stigler was. But still they—and the profession at large—must reckon with the significance of this posture. After all, Stigler's research and policy agenda is exactly what Naidu, Rodrik, and Zucman are saying has been shown to be a total intellectual dead end from which the field has only just extricated itself, and yet he refers to his agenda in substantially the same tone and rhetoric with which they refer to theirs. This fact tells us that that empirical verification and the narrative of progress cannot by themselves accomplish the substantial epistemological and coalition-building work that the EfIP authors seek to place on their shoulders.

"Tests" of economic theories are not simple reality checks. They are shaped by implicit and unconscious bias and a reflexive defense of orthodoxy.

The truth is that empirical methods are always laden with assumptions, both of the formal economic-theoretic sort and more "folk wisdom"-like traditions and methods associated with the discipline's most prominent and powerful members. "Tests" of economic theories are not simple reality checks. We must be on guard about the way they are informed by implicit and unconscious bias and a reflexive defense of mainstream orthodoxy.

Stigler is a case in point. Earlier in the same address, he eagerly anticipates the application of economics to the fields of antitrust and of common carrier regulation. Yet in the same speech Stigler also explicitly attacks the empirical work of the "German Historical" and "American Institutionalist" scholars, who had a great deal of sway over the introduction of regulatory and antitrust regimes during the New Deal. Scholarship in that tradition was in fact highly rigorous; it was just their ideas that motivated Stigler's criticism. He waged a career-long, successful campaign of vilification against Institutionalist economics, in fact, from the perspective of what he and his collaborators called "Price Theory."

When that approach finally made the leap from the academy and was brought to bear on antitrust and sectoral regulation, starting in the late '70s, Stigler's theory—that regulation served inefficient incumbents at the expense of innovative entrants, and that antitrust kept businesses who should properly go out of business in the market—had an enormous impact on policy: the deregulation of trucking and airlines in the late 1970s, of telecoms in the 1990s, and of finance in the 2000s, as well as the ongoing erosion of the antitrust laws at the hands of the federal judiciary, culminating most recently in the 2018 Supreme Court ruling Ohio v. American Express. Stigler's enormous intellectual and professional success—a lifelong campaign of academic imperialism, promoted and backed by a gusher of funding from right-wing interests seeking to roll back the New Deal—dealt immense damage to the body politic and to the public reputation of the economics profession.

The field has been turned into a safe space for rich white people to justify and naturalize the status quo.

But, it turns out, the scholars Stigler vilified were right about how the economy worked. This is but one example of a pattern repeated through the history of the discipline. Economists have drawn and re-drawn disciplinary boundaries to exclude anything that challenged incumbent wealth and power, including marginalizing the contributions of scholars and would-be scholars from under-represented communities. The result was to turn the field into a safe space for rich white people to justify and naturalize the status quo.

Another stark example comes from the work and career of the ground-breaking mid-century black economist Abram Harris, who wrote about the banking sector's segregation and discrimination against black borrowers—including on the part of black bankers—as a key source of ongoing racial wealth inequality. As a professor at the University of Chicago in 1961, Harris proposed to teach an undergraduate course in market power, monopoly, and antitrust policy, and sought to have it listed in the economics department. In response, Stigler privately told the department chair that "the new course . . . arouses no enthusiasm on my part. It sounds like a protracted bull session, in which large ideas are neither carefully analyzed nor empirically tested. . . . My own inclination would be (1) to list it, with explicit proviso that it is only for as long as he teaches it, and (2) advise our majors to forget it."

Anyone familiar with the language elite white insiders use to marginalize and exclude the work of outsiders will see it reflected in spades in Stigler's attitude to Harris and his scholarship. Stigler would say his problem wasn't with Harris but with the sloppy quality of the ideas. But this overlooks the ease with which a scholar like Stigler could treat his own research and insights as mainstream and those of someone like Harris as inherently biased and motivated.

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Unfortunately, jettisoning Stiglerian methodology is not nearly sufficient to overcome this history of marginalization. For example, in the last several years, a controversy has played out over the impact of so-called "ban the box" regulations, which seek to counter discrimination against the formerly incarcerated by restricting employers (usually in the public sector) from asking about criminal history as part of the job application process. Such legislation draws substantially on the work of the late sociologist Devah Pager, who documented labor market discrimination against those tainted by past experience with mass incarceration and the larger criminal justice enterprise. Given the high rates of incarceration among young black men, the result is not just individual but group-level discrimination, lasting for a lifetime.

Despite the so-called "empirical turn," harmful pathologies remain embedded in the economics profession.

In response to the introduction of such policies, several economics researchers concluded that they reduce employment opportunities for black men who had never been incarcerated, because in the absence of information to the contrary, employers assume such applicants do in fact have a criminal record and therefore eliminate them from hiring pools. This finding received wide attention in the media and from leadingthink tanks, fitting as it did into a narrative of misguided do-gooder regulation shown to be counter-productive for the very populations it was designed to help.

But this revisionist scholarship, which is every bit a part of the empirical revolution Naidu, Rodrik, and Zucman laud, has problems of its own. There is no reason to think "ban the box" inadvertently depresses the hiring of black men. Research by the black economist Terry-Ann Craigie shows it operates as intended.

This episode reveals that despite the so-called "empirical turn," harmful pathologies remain embedded in the economics profession: the marginalization of under-represented scholars who work outside the fanciest institutions; the assumption that economists clean up the mistakes made by social scientists from other disciplines, who are tacitly assumed to be left-leaning and whose scholarship is therefore suspect; and the eagerness to believe that egalitarian labor market regulations backfire against those they are intended to help. All of these interlinked tendencies don't dissolve just because we have learned how to run experiments and quasi-experiments, and there is simply no basis in the history of science to think that they would. Justifying racial inequalities and other retrograde scholarly tendencies have always found ways to propagate themselves within whatever the dominant scientific paradigm might be, so economists had best be on the lookout as they wheedle their way into contemporary empirical research.

Institutional privilege is real.

A final word of caution should inform the work of EfIP: institutional privilege is real. These scholars  operate in elite departments, where support for their work is abundant and where threats to their academic freedom may feel remote. That is an increasingly rare thing in U.S. higher education, where successive rounds of state funding cuts have transformed public universities into vulnerable hosts for right-wing parasites. In the face of cuts, administrators go looking for other funding sources to sustain them, and at least in economics, the open hands tend to come from business funders and right-wingfoundations with an agenda of instituting curricula of their own making and of hiring scholars they know will toe the line. Such instances have arisen across the landscape of higher education and increasingly high up in the ranks of economics departments, as one department after another finds reason to compromise its principles in exchange for life-saving, or merely footprint-expanding, support. I fear that scholars without direct experience of this will be too eager to look to the bright future of a newly enlightened economics profession flush with sophisticated empiricism, without recognizing the threat this right-wing takeover poses to the work of less well-appointed scholars and departments trying to educate the broad mass of students.

I do not mean to detract from the importance of the initiative Naidu, Rodrik, and Zucman have launched. Economics desperately needs a fresh outlook after a decade that has not been kind to our public reputation. Too many economists have reacted defensively to that public condemnation, but these three point in a new and more promising direction: acknowledge that our first loyalty must be to truth, and our second to the public and its welfare. The will to wealth and power has acted on us and on our discipline for too long, and the changing winds are all to the good. Hopefully, when we look back at this moment a decade from now, we will be able to see this as one of a series of steps we took to set the field on a better course.

John Case
Harpers Ferry, WV
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