Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trump Budget Shifts Millions in SNAP Costs and Puts Thousands of West Virginians at Risk of Going Hungry [feedly]

Trump Budget Shifts Millions in SNAP Costs and Puts Thousands of West Virginians at Risk of Going Hungry

For Immediate Release 
Contact: Caitlin Cook304.720.8682

President Trump's budget proposal would shift a significant share of the cost of the Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program's (SNAP, previously known as Food Stamps) benefits to states and, for the first time, allow states to cut SNAP benefits, seriously threatening SNAP's extraordinary long-term success in reducing severe hunger and malnutrition, according to a new report from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. PDF news release.

"This proposal threatens to dramatically increase the number of West Virginians at risk of going hungry," said Kay Albright, Manna Meal Administrative Manager. "In a nation of this much wealth, that would be unconscionable. West Virginia's congressional delegation must reject any proposal that puts West Virginians, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities, at risk of not getting enough to eat."

Historically, SNAP benefits have been financed with federal funds to ensure that regional disparities in hunger, poverty and resources are properly addressed, which has helped ensure that low-income households have access to adequate food despite where they might live.
The President's budget would end this longstanding and successful approach by forcing states to cover 10 percent of SNAP benefit costs beginning in 2020, and increasing that share to 25 percent in 2023 and later years. The proposal would cut federal SNAP funding by $116 billion over a decade.
Once the provision was fully in effect, West Virginia would face up to $125 million in additional annual costs, and over the full ten years of the Trump budget, the Mountain State would face approximately $869 million in additional costs.

West Virginia would be unable to absorb such significant cost shifts without cutting SNAP benefits and taking other steps that could increase hunger and hardship," said Ted Boettner, West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy Executive Director. "And West would face longer, deeper recessions, since SNAP plays a key role in sustaining demand at local food stores during economic downturns."

West Virginia is already struggling to meet existing needs, let alone absorb new costs. West Virginia is in the midst of a $500 million budget deficit, and that follows $600 million in cuts to the state budget in recent years.

And, these added costs would come on top hundreds of billions of dollars in additional costs shifts to states both in the President's budget. In total, the President's budget would shift about $453 billion annually to states and localities once the cuts were fully implemented in 2027.

At the same time, the President is proposing massive tax cuts largely for the wealthy and corporations that would likely cost several trillion dollars over the coming decade.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

One more point about the KS legislature’s KO (Kansas Override) of supply-side tax cuts [feedly]

One more point about the KS legislature's KO (Kansas Override) of supply-side tax cuts

've been citing the KO–the Kansas legislature's override of Gov. Brownback's veto, thus pulling the plug on the state's failed experiment with supply-side tax cuts–ever since I heard about it, as have many others. The story raises welcome hopes that moderate R's might be waking up to the fiscal reality that many constituents value public goods more than regressive tax cuts.

Not to be a downer, but I've been pessimistic that DC R's will learn from KS R's. That's partly because facts clearly can't kill trickle-down mythology. The party's donors want their tax cuts, and they'll continue to sell snake oil to get them, facts and KS be damned.

But there's another dynamic in play here which I haven't seen mentioned: states have to balance their budgets while the federal government does not. So, if they're willing to accept larger budget deficits, DC R's can pass all the tax cuts they want and not worry about the consequences.

But R's wouldn't go that route because they disdain deficits and debt, right?

You're kidding, right? Have you seen budget proposals from Ryan or Trump? Though they claim to be revenue or deficit neutral through magic asterisks referencing cuts and loophole closures to be named later, and/or phony, inflated growth rates, the reality is that they load their tax cuts on the debt.

"We just don't think tax cuts add to the debt" was how one high-ranking Republican put it to me once, which is equivalent to "we just don't think 5-3=2. We think it still equals 5."

To be clear, I've underscored that conservatives are pushing hard to cut anti-poverty programs to reduce the red-ink generated by their tax cut proposals. But my point here is that if they can't get those offsets, and I and my colleagues are working to ensure that outcome, they won't emulate the KS legislature and give up on the tax cuts.

They'll put them on the deficit, because they can. And that's an important difference between state and federal fiscal policy which folks should know about.

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Chart of the Week: FDI in Financial Centers [feedly]

Chart of the Week: FDI in Financial Centers

By IMFBlog

June 13, 2017

International financial flows have declined significantly after the crisis, and their composition has changed. As portfolio and other investment flows took a dip between 2007 and 2015, foreign direct investment (FDI) continued to surge. The increase is concentrated in financial centers, which now account for almost half of global FDI claims.

Our Chart of the Week, drawn from a recent paper, takes a deeper look at these new patterns in financial flows. It shows the large decline in flows to and from advanced economies, with a sizable scaling down of international activity by large European banks reflected in a reduction of other investment flows.

The paper also uncovers the disproportionate role played by financial centers after the crisis in facilitating trade in international assets and liabilities, especially FDI.

Financial centers include both advanced economies such as Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom—and small offshore centers such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

As a group, these countries accounted for 7-8 percent of global GDP between 2007 and 2015. Yet the increase in their FDI claims and liabilities over the period has been dramatic—they currently account for about half of the world's total FDI claims. 

One often thinks of FDI as green investment with technology transfers to the receiving country. The concentration in financial centers, however, suggests that a big part of these flows may reflect financial transactions that have very little to do with the domestic economy.

In fact, two factors dominate the expansion of FDI in financial centers. The first is the role of special purpose entities. These are legal entities used to raise capital or hold assets and liabilities. They perform no production function and are typically part tax management strategies or regulatory arbitrage. In Luxembourg, for example, more than 90 percent of FDI claims are in special purpose entities.

The second factor behind the expansion is the increased tendency of multinational companies to move their domicile to a financial center. This could reflect decisions on the optimal ways to allocate assets to reduce tax and regulatory burdens.

Such decisions can generate practices such as inversions and re-domiciliation, whereby firms relocate legal quarters to lower-tax nations while retaining key operations in the higher-tax country of origin. Ireland is an example, where the stock of FDI claims increased by US$900 billion between 2007 and 2015—over three times the size of Irish GDP in 2015.

Overall, the growing role of purely financial asset re-allocation decisions by large corporations makes it harder to assess a country's financial linkages and external vulnerabilities. This poses a big challenge for policymakers.  

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Pikerty: Reagan to the power of 10

Reagan to the power of 10

Thomas Piketty

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Trump Reagan"

Is Trump a UFO in American history or can he be seen as the continuation of long-term trends? While we have no desire to deny "Donald's" obvious specificities, including his inimitable art of the tweet, we do have to admit that elements of continuity prevail.

The tax agenda which he has just tabled in Congress is eloquent. It can be summed up in two central measures: reduction of federal income tax on corporate profits from 35% to 15% (a rate which Trump would also like to see applied to individual entrepreneurs like himself); a total end to inheritance tax. This is clearly a direct prolongation of the programme for 'scrapping' the progressive tax launched by Reagan in the 1980s.

Let's go back a bit. In order to counter the rise in inequality and the excessive concentration of wealth (at the time, considered as contrary to the democratic spirit in America) and also to avoid any resemblance with Old Europe one day (considered across the Atlantic in the 19th century and at the Belle Epoque as aristocratic and oligarchic, and rightly so), between 1910 and 1920, the United States set up a level of progressive taxation, hitherto unknown in history. This major movement of compression of inequalities implied both taxing income (the rate applied to the highest incomes was on average 82% between 1930 and 1980) and estates, (with rates rising to 70% on the transmission of the largest estates).

All this changed with the election of Reagan in 1980: in 1986, the reform reduced the top rate of income tax and ignored the Social Policies set up by the New Deal under Roosevelt. These were accused of having 'softened' America and to having helped those who lost out during the war to 'catch up'. But Reagan left a high corporate tax in place and high progressive rates of taxation on estates. Thirty years after Reagan and ten years after the first attempt by Bush junior to abolish so-called « death duties », in 2017 Trump has launched a new wave of presents to the biggest and wealthiest fortunes, and all this after abolishing Obamacare.

There is a fair chance that he will be followed by Congress. The Republicans will, of course, attempt to add a "border adjustment mechanism" consisting in authorizing the deduction from exports of the taxable profit and, conversely, in forbidding the deduction from imports (the well-known Ryan plan). This unprecedented blend of corporate tax and of European style V.A.T. has already aroused the anger of the WTO (something which pleases Trump) but also of importers (for example the Walmart supermarkets) which is more problematic. Theoretically the measure could be neutralised by a rise in the dollar, but in practice the exchange rates are determined by many other factors and nobody wants to take the risk.

It is likely that those concerned will settle for targeting specific imports and exports (with the intention of getting the message out that the Republicans defend American industry better than the Democrats, who are described as covert free traders and always ready to give everything to the Mexicans and all those other jealous people who surround America) and that a compromise will be found both for estate duties and for a massive reduction in the rate of corporate company profits, doubtless in the range of 15% to 20%, which may relaunch fiscal dumping in Europe and in the world.

The main question remains: how does a programme which is so clearly pro-rich and anti-social succeed in appealing to a majority of Americans as it did in 1980 and again in 2016? The classical answer is that globalisation and cut-throat competition between countries leads to the reign of each man for himself. But that is not sufficient: we have to add the skill of the Republicans in using nationalist rhetoric, in cultivating a degree of anti-intellectualism and, above all, in dividing the working classes by exacerbating ethnic, cultural and religious divisions.

As early as the 1960s, the Republicans began to benefit from the gradual transfer of part of the vote of the white and southern working classes, unhappy with the civil rights movement and the social policies, accused of benefitting primarily the Black population. This long and in-depth movement continued with the crucial victory of Nixon in 1972 (faced with the Democrat, McGovern, who suggested implementing a universal basic income at federal level, financed by a new increase in estate duties: this was the summit of the Roosevelt Programme), Reagan in 1980, and finally Trump in 2016 (who had no hesitation in racially stigmatising Obamacare, as Nixon and Reagan had done previously).

In the meantime, the Democrat electorate focussed increasingly on the most highly educated and the minorities, and in the end, in some ways resembled the Republican electorate at the end of the 19th century (upscale Whites and Blacks emancipated), as if the wheel had turned full circle and the Roosevelt coalition uniting the working classes over and above racial differences had ultimately only been a parenthesis.

Let's hope that Europe, which in some ways is threatened by a similar development with the working classes having greater faith for their defence in the anti-immigrant forces, than in those who describe themselves as progressive – will be capable of learning the lessons of history. And that the inevitable social failure of Trumpism will not lead our "Donald" into a headlong nationalist and military rush, as it has done others before him.

John Case
Harpers Ferry, WV

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Links for 06-12-17

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