Monday, December 23, 2019

Back-up evidence for WaPo piece on most important econ lessons of the decade [feedly]

Back-up evidence for WaPo piece on most important econ lessons of the decade

Here are the companion figures to my WaPo piece today on econ lessons of the decade.

1) The unemployment rate can fall a lot lower than most economists thought without triggering inflationary pressures.

2) Budget deficits cannot be assumed to place upward pressure on interest rates.

3) Weak worker bargaining power has long been a factor driving inequality. In the last decade, the increasing clout of certain employers has joined the mix.

Source: NY Times

4) Progressive health care reform, wherein the government plays a larger role in coverage and cost control, works.

Source: Paul Van de Water, CBPP

5) [Lesson re-learned] Trickle-down tax cuts don't work.

Source: Goldman Sachs

6) Antipoverty programs don't just reduce poverty today; they improve the outcomes of their beneficiaries many years hence.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

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